We just had our first Summer camp out of 2010. Our good friend Stephanie booked us a beautiful camp spot on the lake at Lake Jennings campground(keep in mind this lake is lovely, but there is not swimming, only fishing). June is usually the best time for camping in San Diego, as it is still pretty cool and foggy, and the summer heat has not yet set in. Boy were we wrong!!
7am Beautiful Camp Spot, early morning fog over the lake

7:45am Logan is now one of the "older" kids in this group and has taken to his new role like a champ. He has always been the "baby", the kid everyone looked out for, and now he has to look out for someone else. Here is a picture of Logan and Cody (Carter's younger brother), and we now call him the "Baby Whisperer". He was so wonderful with Cody, who just turned 1. He tries to tell him all the rules, but the best is that he tries to comfort him. We were shopping for campout supplies and Cody had a total meltdown (no sleep due to tent sleeping and he was hungry too) Logan took it upon himself to sing all songs he knew to help Cody stop crying in his stroller. He sang, twinkle twinkle, sometime you loose, Real Gone, and itsy bitsy spider. And belive it or not Cody stopped crying. My sweet little man, has a wonderful spirit beginning to show.

8:45am Everyone has been fed, so we decide to hit the park, it has a nice shade covering and it is starting to get pretty warm. (Carter, Sophia, Cody and Lo)

10:00 am its only been an hour playing at the shaded play area and everyone is WAY too hot for comfort. I was considering going home, when Carter and Cody's Dad offered to get the boat for a swimming and tubing trip on the near by reservoir. I don't think I could have asked for a better surprise, thank you Ryan and Shelly!!

Lo on the boat. This is his first boat ride. I am totally biased, but he is such a cute kid!!

Here is Lo, Sophia and Vicki enjoying the cool, wonderful water of the El Captain Reservoir.

My baby and Me

After everyone cooled off with some swimming it was time for Tubing!! I have never been tubing, and neither has Lo, the only one on this tube who has any experience is 5 year old Sophia (who prefers to be called Sophi, by the way). So here we are having WAY too much fun, as I try to hold on to both kids as we bounce over the water. What a freakin' blast!! Woo hooo!

Lo then decided he had enough of the girls and decided to brave it with the boys. This was possibly not the best choice, all was well at first, until we hit a bump and lost Matt (skinny fellow on the left) the tube then went from horizontal to totally vertical. I though for sure Logan was going in the water, but no Craig righted the ship and brought everyone to shore, but my poor little son was DONE at that point.
And then he promptly put himself to sleep.
What a great camp out!! Thank you to the Vanderhoffen's, without your boat and quick thinking to go get it, we all may have melted and never camped again.
Welcome Summer 2010!
No, you are not biased. That kid is adorable!!
ReplyDeleteYes, you probably are biased (as all parents are) BUT he IS adorable!