Happy 4th of July all!! Another great summer holiday that I completely enjoy celebrating. I believe there is no better way to celebrate our wonder country than with good ol' American food and good friends. So I made what I consider to be the most American dessert know to man...

It has Nila Wafers, cool whip, lemon jello, raspberry jam and strawberries and blue berries on top. And was totally eaten up at work!

Then our crew disbanded for other evening activities, Lo and I headed over to the Osmans for dinner and Fireworks. Logan promptly got in the hot tub and started entertaining the older ladies. Some how I think this is how is teenage years will be, Oh my lord!!!

He looks pretty worn out in this shot, but we got to see all the fireworks displays across the bay. It was pretty spectacular, and he at least more interested than last year.
Happy Forth All. I hope you had as much fun as we did.
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