Logan and I traveled to Orange County this past weekend, there was so much going on! We had a great time traveling all over and visiting our good friends. First stop was Mattie's 3rd Birthday party. Everyone one was there and there was even a bouncy!!

Here is Logan actually EATING at a party, he even choked down that carrot he is holding in his hand. I am totally impressed and happy to see him eat.

And here is Logan next to his new friend Ava, he was really into her. They had this game where they looked for treasure in the sand box, I just love how creative he has become, so fun to watch. On a side note *check out the size of the cake he has in front of him* How in the world did that happen???

Then we went over to Mumi's house where Logan got to shower Mumi with all her Mother's Day gifts. Here they are in the morning with the Easter tree. I love the look on his face.

Then a quick trip to Lindsay and Ryan's house where Lo got to play with the doggies. I am not really all that sure that Ryan enjoys this but Lo, Duke and Molly sure do.

And then to breakfast, this hungry little man ate an entire plate of waffles!

To round out our incredibly full of fun weekend we spent Sunday afternoon with the Orliczky women. Here is Logan and his 3D glasses at Ruby's.

Sylvie and Lo trying to look at the Ocean in 3D

I love these ladies, here is Nadine, Sylvie and baby Nora having lunch with us at the pier in Seal Beach. I forgot how small and sweet smelling new babies are, I just love to snuggle new baby Nora, and even Logan liked to pet her soft head.

And finally a trip to the park to burn of some energy. Check out Sylvie's expression, I really think she loves her friend Logan's crazy antics.
Love the picture of Sylvie and Lo on the slide!